The Village Board will hold its regularly scheduled workshop on Monday, January 27, 2025. This meeting includes action items to be considered and voted on prior to the workshop discussion. Village Board and members of the public will meet in person at 49 State St.,...
Leaf Pickup 2020 – Begins October 19th
Recent Posts
By Mayor Blackman A long overdue update on the Main Street bridge which is behind schedule. I met with the engineer in charge from the DOT to review what the scheduling issues are and what remains to be done. There is a “critical path of assembly” of bridge...
Foodlink Pop-up Pantry Distribution Cancelled
The food distribution scheduled for today, January 21, on Owens Road is cancelled due to dangerously cold temperatures. Services will resume in February. Please spread help spread the word.
Winter Serenades Schedule Announced
Brockport’s 2025 Winter Serenades music series begins on Sunday February 2 at 3:00 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Main and State Streets. The church is a welcoming space with excellent sound and beautiful stained glass windows, some of which are by Tiffany. There...
Statement From Mayor Blackman Regarding Morgan-Manning House Fire
We grieve with all of Brockport and the larger community for the fire that severely damaged our magnificent Morgan Manning House on the night of January 14th. It felt like so many personal memories of events at the House and on its grounds went up in the smoke. Yet we...
DPW/Water Department – Water Service Line Inventory for Unknown Service Lines Begins
The Department of Public Works/Water Department will begin going door to door to inventory only the "unknown" material water service lines from 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM, during the winter months. A door knocker will be left if no one was available for the resident to call...
Leaf pickup will begin October 19th. Please click here for details.