Positive Covid Case

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Monroe County Board of Elections Announces New Voting Machines

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2025 CONTACT: MCBOE@monroecounty.gov Jackie Ortiz, Commissioner Peter D Elder, CommissionerMonroe County Board of Elections Announces New Voting Machines Rochester, NY — The Monroe County Board of Elections is proud to announce the...

Winter Serenades News

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Village Board Meeting 1-27-25

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Foodlink Pop-up Pantry Distribution Cancelled

The food distribution scheduled for today, January 21, on Owens Road is cancelled due to dangerously cold temperatures. Services will resume in February. Please spread help spread the word.

In an effort to be as transparent as possible, we want to share with our residents that one of our village hall employees has tested positive for Covid.  This employee has not been in the office since Wednesday of last week, is exhibiting no symptoms, and has followed masking and distancing protocols on the job.  We have no reason to suspect any member of the public who has conducted business with the village is at risk.

Monroe County Health Department guidance has been that as long as our employees were masked and keeping 6 ft distance they would be at no to low risk if they were in a room with someone who was also masked and tested positive.

Village Hall will remain open for business.

Masking matters.  Please wear a mask whenever you are outside your home, even if 6 ft apart.