The contractor (Crane Hogan) has submitted a preliminary schedule for repairs of the Brockport and Albion lift bridges which are under the same contract. Final schedules are pending. The schedule pushes the Brockport closure out from September of 2022 to Spring 2023; Albion will be started mid-fall 2022. The contractor’s reasoning is that the Albion bridge is smaller with simpler technical issues; the Brockport bridge is larger with more complicated construction details and requires more preparatory work. The schedules are staggered due to the availability of mill wright expertise and manpower. According to the contracts 480 days is allowed for completion of each job.

The NYSDOT will call a public meeting within 1.5-1 months of the actual closing and will coordinate with the village to schedule the most appropriate time.

We will keep the public updated as we receive new information and a final schedule. Minutes and recorded Zoom meetings of our community Bridging the Closure planning committee are public information and will be posted on our website as soon as its upgrade is completed.

Margay Blackman