Specialized Units

The Brockport Police Department is comprised of various officers who have undergone extensive training to become certified in specialized fields of police work.


K9 Unit:

Meet K9 Brock and his handler Officer Sime!  K9 Brock is a German Shepard from Czechoslovakia.  He joins Ofc. Sime when he is working his tour of duty & gets to play ball when they are back at home.  Ofc. Sime & K9 Brock conduct hundreds of hours of mandatory training each year.  K9 Brock is trained in patrol & narcotics detection.  Be sure to check them out on Instagram @ K9_Brock.

Phone: 585-637-1020 x.143
Email: jsime@brockportny.org



Investigator Dawson oversees investigations in the Brockport Police Department.  Investigator Dawson has attended training across New York State and has served 1.5 years with the Monroe County Heroin Task Force.

Phone: 585-637-1020 x.165
Email: tdawson@brockportny.org


Brockport Police Dept.

One Clinton Street
Brockport, NY 14420

Phone Numbers:

911 within Monroe County
outside Monroe County
Records 585-637-1020

Administrative Office Hours

Monday – Friday 9AM – 4PM

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Brockport Police Department to provide unequivocal, and indispensable law enforcement service to the Brockport Community by providing guidance, protecting life and property, keeping the peace, ensuring justice, upholding the law and preserving Democracy. We will continuously strive for excellence, through our dedication and commitment and we will treat all those we interact with in the same manner we, ourselves, want to be treated.