Stormwater Coalition

Storm Water Contact: Chad Fabry – Office: 585-637-5300 x119  Cell: 585-465-8591

To view our most recent Stormwater Coalition of Monroe County MS4 Annual Report, please click here.




Storm water runoff from yards in which fertilizers have been misapplied, by such practices as using too much or spreading onto sidewalks or driveways, will flow into storm drains that lead to neighborhood storm water ponds and local creeks.  The nutrients in the fertilizer will pollute this storm water and will often contribute to unsightly algae blooms in local neighborhood storm water ponds, frequently resulting in obnoxious odors when this algae dies off and decays.  Eventually, this nutrient polluted water will make its way to Lake Ontario and contribute to the algae problems found at Ontario Beach.Homeowners can take action to reduce these impacts and help protect water quality by ensuring that ONLY ZERO PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZERS are applied to their lawns, as well as SWEEPING UP fertilizer that ends up on impervious surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways.  Most soils in Monroe County already have sufficient phosphorus to support a healthy lawn.  Applying fertilizers only once a year in the fall, the most important time of the year to fertilize, will also greatly reduce the amount of nutrients reaching our local waterways.Recognizing the serious impacts of fertilizers on water quality, New York State has recently passed a law which prohibits phosphorus in fertilizers for established lawns starting in 2012.  This law also requires that fertilizer put on impervious surfaces be picked up.  So get a jump start on these future legal requirements and start protecting our local water bodies today!


  • The storm drains located on your street or in your back yard lead directly to local creeks and ponds.  Water, or any materials, entering these storm drains receive NO TREATMENT.
  • The label on the fertilizer bag shows three numbers which indicate the percentage by weight of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, in that order.  So make sure you choose a fertilizer that has 0 phosphorus, for example 26-0-3
  • For more information about local storm water pollution and what you can do to reduce it, visit and become a fan of Larry the H2O Hero on Facebook!A message from The Stormwater Coalition of Monroe County and the Water Education Collaborative.



Simply said, a WATERSHED is a drainage basin or area of land where water from rain and melting snow or ice drains into a nearby water body such as a stream, pond, river, or lake.  It includes both the streams and rivers that convey the water as well as the land surface from which the water drains.  In a sense, it acts as a large funnel, collecting rainwater from an extensive surface area and concentrating it into one location.

We MUST care about watersheds because as water flows over land, it collects soil, pet wastes, fertilizers, pesticides, oils, and other pollutants which then flow to a nearby waterway.  Even if your home is not near a stream or river, runoff from your yard will flow down your street into a ditch or storm drain, directly into a neighborhood pond or stream, and eventually reach Lake Ontario.  This runoff can carry damaging and polluting chemicals with it.

Be an H2O Hero!  When you make wise, environmentally friendly decisions, such as using less toxic lawn care products and proper disposal of potentially damaging chemical and electronic wastes, you can protect everyone’s water quality!  Better water quality means a cleaner Lake Ontario, safer drinking water and a safer environment for you and your family.



Hazardous Waste Collection: Monroe County provides a service to collect household hazardous wastes. To see a full listing of what they will dispose of, or to make arrangements to drop off your household hazardous waste, please visit their website ( or call them at (585) 753-7600. The Village participates in an annual west side Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day. The schedule and location will be posted on our website prior to the event.

Canine Companions: We all love to take our dogs out for a stroll around the neighborhood, but please be sure to dispose of animal waste properly. Canine owners are required to clean up immediately after their pets on public sidewalks, roads, and gutters.


Dan Verace
Superintendent of Public Works
Phone: 637-1060 ext. 301
Fax: 637-1062

Nick Jackson
Labor Foreman
Phone: 637-1060 ext. 302
Fax: 637-1062

Carol McNees
Public Works Coordinator
Phone: 637-1060 ext. 300