Sex Offender Registry

Sgt. Korn
Sex Offender Registry Coordinator
Brockport Police Department
(585) 637-1020 x 147

NY-Alert System – As Part of NY-ALERT system, through which 5.8 million New Yorkers receive alerts on everything from natural disasters to traffic congestion, you can now sign up for sex offender alerts.

After registering you will receive sex offender relocation notices whenever a level two “moderate-risk” or a level three “high-risk” sex offender listed on the public sex offender registry moves into or out of your designated community of concern. You can register online or by calling (888) 697-6972.

For more information on the sex offender registry, contact the New York State Sex Offender Registry by calling (800)262-3257 or visiting

Anyone who uses this information to injure, harass, or commit a criminal act against any person may be subject to criminal prosecution.

Antony L. Gilbert Date of Birth: 12/20/2002 Male/White, 5’7 180lbs Brown hair, Brown eyes The subject is residing in...

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Mark K. Janczylik

Mark K. Janczylik Date of Birth: 4/3/1958 Male/White, 5'8", 150lbs White hair, Brown eyes The subject is residing at...

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Scott D. Rightmyer

Scott D. Rightmyer

Scott D. Rightmyer Jr. Date of Birth: 10/18/1969Male/White, 6’0, 170lbsGrey hair, Blue eyes The subject is residing in...

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Brockport Police Dept.

One Clinton Street
Brockport, NY 14420

Phone Numbers:

911 within Monroe County
outside Monroe County
Records 585-637-1020

Administrative Office Hours

Monday – Friday 9AM – 4PM

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Brockport Police Department to provide unequivocal, and indispensable law enforcement service to the Brockport Community by providing guidance, protecting life and property, keeping the peace, ensuring justice, upholding the law and preserving Democracy. We will continuously strive for excellence, through our dedication and commitment and we will treat all those we interact with in the same manner we, ourselves, want to be treated.