Clerk-Treasurer Office

Dan Hendricks

Village Treasurer
585-637-5300 x115

Kari Pardun

Village Clerk Treasurer
585-637-5300 x110

Barbara Krizen

Village Deputy Clerk Treasurer
585-637-5300 x111

Clerk-Treasurer Office

The Clerk-Treasurer Office is housed at Village Hall, 127 Main St.  The staff are responsible for supporting the Village Board, village employees, providing services to residents, and working with the overall community.

Support to the Village Board & community include: Meeting agendas and minutes, FOIL requests, records management, accounts payable, accounts receivable, water billing & payments, tax receiving, budget development and maintenance, community engagement, public notices and communication, website management, newsletter development, support to volunteer boards and committees, assisting residents and welcoming visitors.

Services provided to or involving employees include payroll, employee medical/dental benefits, retirement, civil service, and staff training.

Our team consists of Village Clerk (also Village Manager) Erica Linden, Village Treasurer Dan Hendricks, Clerk-Treasurer Kari Pardun, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer and Water Clerk Barbara Krizen, and Susan Smith Village Board Recorder. 

Budget Preparation Calendar

New calendar is being presented to the Village Board at the 2024 Organizational Meeting.

Annual Financial Reports

External auditors’ annual procedures report for the fiscal year ended 05/31/22, was completed by Megel, Metzger, Barr & Co.

The annual financial report update document (AUD) for the Village of Brockport for the fiscal year ended 05/31/23, was filed with the Office of the New York State Comptroller, the Village’s external auditors, the Village Board and Village Clerk.

External auditors’ report from Insero & Co. CPA’s for the fiscal year ended 5/31/19 is available here.


2024-2025 Budget

FY 2024-2025 Adopted Budget

PowerPoint2024-25 Brockport Budget 4-1-24


2023-2024 Budget

FY 2023-2024 Adopted Budget

Budget Presentation 2023-2024

 2022-2023 Budget

FY 2022-2023 Adopted Budget

Budget Presentation 2022-2023

Archived Financial Records Can Be Found Here.